About Digital Waterfall



Who is Digital Waterfall

Since I graduated from the Stanford University Product Design engineering program, “Digital Waterfall” has been a product design persona that I have used for a broad range of assignments including UI/UX design, branding and online marketing. Experienced, creative AND organized, I make an excellent project manager and design team lead. So Digital Waterfall is me: Tina Dussault.

Who is Tina Dussault? While I am not the sort who enjoys extolling my own virtues, you do need to have an understanding of the person who is going to own your project and I how I uniquely engage with the world. In a phrase, I bring order. By parsing chaos, I break down a problem and make a project understandable and actionable—less daunting. While empathy for an end user or customer is the heart of design, I also empathize with the people working behind the curtain: the producers need gentle treatment as well. So I pay attention to creating good experiences for stakeholders front end and back. My creative but killer-organized nature is best harnessed by having me make strategy, manage projects, lead creative teams, design information architecture, clarify communication visually and verbally, and innovate processes. I “UX” my own personal life as a matter of habit so it is a natural pleasure that I do the same for work.

I value originality, consistency, follow-through, and excellence. I am curious, open-minded, down to earth—and playful! On that note, please enjoy some of these videos below so you can get an informal and more "3-D" sampling of who I am... :-)

And Now for Something Completely Different


Tech talk with Socko


Electric Flowerpot


TechKnowledge TV Show


Zombie VMs


SmartBear Community Heroes


Fourmedible Presentation




design methodology